All Things Photographic
How To: Photograph a Total Lunar Eclipse
Astronomy enthusiasts will witness the first total lunar eclipse of 2021 on May 26 so it is timely for this post. Total lunar eclipses occur when the Earth comes in between the Sun and the Moon and completely blocks the Sun’s rays from reaching the Moon. This is particularly challenging for the budding astrophotographer.
How To: Create Little Planets
I have always liked those round creations which look like your own little worlds, and wanted to try to make one so I finally did by following a simple tutorial on the internet.
How To: Photograph Garden Birds
The recent pandemic lockdowns prevented many people from travelling to pursue their photography hobby but, while stuck at home, photographing garden birds can be the perfect way to try a different subject.
How To: Focus Stack in Landscape Photography
There are two basic scenarios when shooting landscapes that may benefit from focus stacking. Focus stacking combines a number of images taken at different focus distances through a scene.
The Bluebells are Back
Each year in late April and early May, the landscape of Cumbria takes on a different hue. This is the time that the fresh greens of spring grass change to the blue of the humble bluebell, also known as Hyacinthoides non-scripta.