All Things Photographic
My Astrophotography Journey: The ZWO Electronic Autofocuser
One of my main goals in starting out in astrophotography is to avoid the need to spend all night outside in the cold watching the telescope. In this post I cover fitting the ZWO EAF to the ASIair Plus mini computer system.
My Astrophotography Journey: Switching to a Refractor
One of my main goals in starting out in astrophotography is to avoid the need to spend all night outside in the cold watching the telescope. In this post I cover the switch to a dedicated refractor telescope.
My Astrophotography Journey: First Steps in Autoguiding
One of my main goals in starting out in astrophotography is to avoid the need to spend all night outside in the cold watching the telescope. In this post I cover auto guiding with the ASIair and a separate guide scope and camera.
My Astrophotography Journey: The ZWO ASIAir Plus
One of my main goals in starting out in astrophotography is to avoid the need to spend all night outside in the cold watching the telescope. In this post I cover setting up an ASIair Plus mini computer.
Setting the Home position of the Star Adventurer GTi
I have noticed quite a number of forum posts regarding the accuracy of the Sky Watcher Star Adventurer GTi initial GOTO operation and thought I would give my method of setting up the Star Adventurer to produce the best GOTO operation.
Sky Watcher Star Adventurer GTi
A few months ago, I placed an order for the Sky-Watcher Star Adventurer GTi, the latest in their Star Adventurer series of star trackers. After using the Star Adventurer 2i Pro package let’s see if upgrade to the GTi has met my expectations.
Manual GOTO for the Star Adventurer 2i
Programs like Sky Guide, Sky Safari or Stellarium can help you find objects but with a manual star tracker and DSLR or Mirrorless camera how can you be sure you’re pointing at the correct part of space, especially with long focal length lenses?
Star Tracking
I have always been fascinated by the night sky. As far back as I can remember I have been interested in the stars,. In this post I detail how I have started combining my love of astronomy with photography..
Which Shooting Mode do I use most ?
There are always questions asked about which is the best mode to use your camera, should you use Aperture Priority, Shutter Priority, Manual or Program mode. In this post I detail my favourite mode.
A Bit of Fun
A bit of fun with some bird images. The birds were photographed in my garden, all dressed up for the wintry weather…